Chapter 1. So, you’re feeling nervous? Lessons Voice is vital Nerve busting breathing exercise Challenge 1 – Breathe FREE BONUS MP3 Nerve Busting Breathing Exercise FREE BONUS: Tongue twisters & voice exercises
Chapter 2. What the hell should you wear? Lessons Clothes that pop Make-up or as I call it “Fake-up” Challenge 2 – On-camera style file
Chapter 3. Now, what on earth are you going to say? Lessons A girl walks into a bar… Do it with dot points Challenge 3 – Who What Where When Why How?
Chapter 4. It’s how ya say it! Lessons Your body is speaking to me Look at me! Challenge 4 – A cheeky eye-contact trick
Chapter 5. Insider’s guide to the media Lessons Different types of media Knowing the lingo Challenge 5 – Role models and mentors
Chapter 6. If it goes a bit pear shaped Lessons Handling tricky questions Dealing with negative feedback Challenge 6 – Your 10 people who count
Chapter 7. So, you want to be a YouTube star? Lessons Game plan = Game ON Down the barrel Tips for the crew – especially when the crew is YOU! Challenge 7 – Just do it!